Dzandar baklava almond
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Dzandar baklava almond – “Baklava above all baklavas”, with sweet kaymak and almond filling. Authentic, handmade, unique, unforgettable.
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Dzandar baklava walnut
Dzandar baklava walnut – The authentic traditional and unique baklava of Sarajevo, which you will find no where else in the world. We call it “Baklava above all baklavas”! It takes up to three days just to make this special dessert, and lots of love and devotion. Its taste is unique and unforgetable, and something that you will remember Sarajevo by.
Sarajevo baklava
Carefully piled hand stretched phyllo dough with lots of walnuts and a little bit of “tirit” (tirit – crumbs made of of flour, egg yolks and butter) for softness. Sarajevo baklava is a true festive dessert, rich and full of flavor.
Dzandar baklava hazelnut
For all those who love the rich taste of hazelnut that in the filling of Dzandar baklava becomes perfect. You will love all Dzandar baklava flavors, and each of them is unique and irresistible.
Sarajevo sugar lokum PKG 5pcs
Sarajevo sugar lokum – traditional Bosnian dessert, usually served with coffee. There is a custom that when you travel, you take sugar lokum and eat it on your break, to rest your mind and soul. Sugar lokum is made with butter, so it melts in mouth when you eat it.
It was named after a form that resembles a rose, but the taste and smell of them is more beautiful than roses. Our Ruzica is rich in nuts, and made with hand stretched phyllo as all our products.
Hurmadzik – traditional Bosnian cake, made according to old family recipes. Not hard but also not soft and mushy, just the right consistency.
Slicni proizvodi
Džandar baklava orah
Džandar baklava – orah – tradicionalna autentična sarajevska baklava, za koju ponosno kazemo da je “Baklava nad baklavama”! Proces pravljenja traje i do tri dana i zahtjeva veliko umijeće i posvećenost. Svi Baklava dućan proizvodi su pravljeni od ručno razvijanih (ne razvlačenih) jufki i od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka, a prema receptima starim preko 200 godina. Džandar baklava je vrlo zanimljiva, drugačija i izrazito ukusna baklava kakvu do sada još niste probali.
Džandar baklava lješnjak
Za sve ljubitelje bogatog okusa lješnjaka koji u filu džandar baklave – lješnjak postaje savršen. Kada je probate, vjerovatno se nećete moći zaustaviti samo na jednom komadu. Svejedno koji okus džandar baklave izaberete, sigurno nećete pogriješiti.
Džandar baklava badem
Ako vam se sviđa okus džandar baklave – orah, sigurni smo da će Vas okus badema oduševiti. Pravljena je od ručno razvijanih jufki i sa ukusnim filom sa bademima. Jednako ukusna i neponovljiva kao i džandar baklava – orah.