With a determination to continue Bosnian-Herzegovinian tradition, we offer you authentic local desserts made to recipes which date back over 200 years. Traditional recipes were jealously guarded in family circles and passed down through the generations, as was the case with recipes in our family. In order to achieve the highest quality possible, all our desserts are 100% handmade with much love and passion by using hand stretched filo pastry and the highest quality ingredients.

We are especially proud to offer you Dzandar baklava, which we call “baklava of all baklavas”! Preparing Dzandar baklava is a process which takes at least three days, demanding much patience and skill. Written sources about its origins do not exist, but we are the third generation in our family to make this wonderful traditional dessert.

Relish our baklavas and be certain that you are tasting the best, unforgettable, unique Bosnian baklava will take you back to Sarajevo with every bite.

Ocjene kupaca Google

  • We read good reviews about this place, so we thought we would check it out and we were not disappointed. There is a small, but good selection of different baklava and the staff are very warm and friendly. There is a small seating area just outside, where you can enjoy your dessert and people watch

    Paul Allen Avatar Paul Allen
    7. July 2023.
  • One of the top baklava shops in Sarajevo. There sweets are homemade. Try the walnut rolled baklava and lokum🤤.

    Yousef UAE Avatar Yousef UAE
    9. March 2023.
  • Best place for baklava in the city. Handmade, great taste, high quality of the ingredients. Definitely not a tourist trap as the other baklavas in the city centre

    Michaela Trtková Avatar Michaela Trtková
    10. August 2022.
  • The best baklava I've ever tasted! Absolutely the best. If you're in Sarajevo you simply must visit this uniqe place. Coming again for sure!

    Raća Mitrović Avatar Raća Mitrović
    13. October 2022.
  • Authentic Bosnian Baklava, they are smooth and juicy. Must try once in Sarajevo

    Marwan Mohammed Avatar Marwan Mohammed
    26. August 2021.
  • A good friend introduced us to this place, and we kept going back. Just of the main street into Baščaršija. A must if you are visiting Sarajevo.

    Andy Aydın-Aitchison Avatar Andy Aydın-Aitchison
    12. September 2021.
  • I was in Baklava Ducan back in October and bought Zhandar, regular (Sarajevo) baklava and rose shaped phyllo. Hard to say which one is better but for the rest of the family Zhandar is the winner. This is unique store comparing to all others, an artisan place in the real sense. While all other places tend to occupy larger space Ducan is rather small – while other tend to offer extensive list of pastries, cakes and drinks, Ducan is comfortable with making six or seven traditional Bosnian sweets – and that’s it. Sarajevo baklava is likely the best baklava that I have ever tried in my life. My first taste was butter – nice creamy aroma. Not burned but smooth buttery flavour. Good quality butter is used in baklava making process to sprinkle each phyllo layer first. Ducan’s walnuts are not grounded but chopped in very small pieces and spread equally in each layer - their phyllo is super thin and crisp – their sweet liquid is not too sweet and overpowering, it’s just right. All these details are very important because ground nuts tend to absorb sweet liquid (agda) poured over baklava and make baklava soggy – if phyllo is not properly dry and thin it tends to absorb liquid as well and disintegrate. Ducan’s baklava is not “swimming” in liquid like all others. Realistically their products should be priced more and in line with the quality of their ingredients. My guess is that they do not rush to make 20 or more pastries daily, they dedicate their time to each phase and each product, no shortcuts. Result is superior product no questions about that. So dear chef, congratulation, hats off to you. I have tried many Turkish baklavas and I was not impressed. They are too small, too soggy, dripping in liquid, not sweet enough, or way too sweet, no buttery taste before or after, way too little nuts in them, located only in the middle. However that is separate topic and I could be bias for being from Bosnia. Baklava for me is special sweet – it was always expensive to make, it takes time and effort and it was usually prepared for special occasions (religious, weddings, special celebrations). My grandmother used to bake phyllo and dry for days, select walnuts by hand, order butter from trusted source… On personal note I am particularly proud that Ducan is not making their baklavas with pistachios. Pistachios are not native of Bosnia. We never have them. Nowadays other pastry shops in Sarajevo are making and selling baklavas with pistachios. I cannot tell store owners how to run their own business but if I am in Italy, France or elsewhere I prefer to eat local specialties and drink their wine or beer. I am pretty certain that all tourists feel the same. We used to have numerous artisan stores similar to Ducan in my hometown and other cities across the Bosnia and Herzegovina before the last war. Bakeries, ice cream and pastry shops, chevapi, burek, ascinica’s (small restaurants specialized in local comfort foods), shoemakers, tailors, jewellers etc. They are all gone and they will never be back. By some miracle Ducan tradition survived. In the time when all regions across the Europe are proud of their heritage and eager to protect their local traditions, Ducan unique story and business model inspired me to write this lengthy review. I wish them all the best.

    A A Avatar A A
    8. December 2019.
  • The most tasty baklava in the world 🌎

    Ahmed Sarhan Avatar Ahmed Sarhan
    15. August 2021.
  • Great place to get traditional Bosnian baklava. I got one baklava roll and paid 4 BKM.

    Tom Wilson Avatar Tom Wilson
    2. September 2023.
  • Be ready to be blown away by the most original baklava recipe from Bosnia! You can taste the love and hard work with every single bite. Do not leave Sarajevo without trying checking them out!

    Salar Ziaie Avatar Salar Ziaie
    21. September 2021.

Ocjene kupaca Facebook

Baklava ducan
Based on 1 reviews
powered by Facebook
22:24 22 Dec 22
Ukusno da ne može biti ukusnije! Savršene poslastice za sve uzraste :)
Ada Vuk
Ada Vuk
15:45 22 Dec 22
Daleko najbolje baklave u Sarajevu, ali i šire. Domaća, provjerena receptura i orginalne džandar baklave koje su... specifične za ovu radnju. Ne znam šta bih prije izdvojila od proizvoda, ali kiflice se jednostavno tope u ustima. Kad god idem u goste ili putuje ovo se kupuje kao poklon. Tople preporuke🤍read more
Danijela Vukolic Mehic
Danijela Vukolic Mehic
06:51 13 Oct 21
Unique local made baklava with the long family tradition.
Emir Sarashop Mehovic
Emir Sarashop Mehovic
13:43 22 Jul 21
vrhinski kvalitet
profesionalna usluga
Edisa Salkanovic
Edisa Salkanovic
10:53 08 Dec 20
Mjesto gdje živi tradicija, kvalitet sa okusom ljubavi!
Elsa Zmaj
Elsa Zmaj
07:25 26 Apr 20
Savršeni okusi,prezadovoljna...svako dobro želim
Vukica Radovic
Vukica Radovic
19:35 10 Apr 19
Obozavam baklave, vazno da su ukusne :*
Paul Collett
Paul Collett
16:02 10 Apr 19
Fabulous pastries great personal interaction with proprietors.
Friendly, delicious, affordable!
Ivana Mišić
Ivana Mišić
00:00 11 Mar 19
Izuzetno ljubazan prodavač a baklave fantastične.
Janis Janis
Janis Janis
12:45 20 Oct 18
Last summer I was visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia & we went to this Baklava Shop, had some baklava & I love it! So good , so... tasty...yummy...the young man who works there , he was so polite, patient & helpful . Thanks for the great, great Baklava! I would highly recommend to everyone to visit this shop! Enjoy!🙏👍read more
Filipa Rakelic
Filipa Rakelic
15:43 07 Oct 18
Jedine prave baklave u Sarajevu, a i sve ostalo je savrseno ukusno i fino, ipak najveca pohvala osoblju, a narocito... gospodji Bedriji, divnoj,ljubaznoj i dragoj. Sigurno se opet vidimo 😘😘😘😘read more
Aida Hadzibajric
Aida Hadzibajric
09:54 11 Jun 18
Nema ljepšeg, decentnijeg, ušušnijeg, oku dopadljivijeg dućana na cijeloj čaršiji! Vrijedni i dragi naši momci koji s... osmijehom dočekuju i s iskrenošću ispračaju svoje goste.Aferim na odgoju koji je ... za mene i moju porodicu, ogledalo #baklavaducana.read more
Osman Senka Ciric
Osman Senka Ciric
05:21 17 Apr 18
Sve sto sam probala u vasem ducanu je odlicno vasa dzandar baklava je stigla i do beca i svi su se odusevili jer su je... prvi put probali. Hvala vam sto postojite, najbolji ste.read more
Se'nada DjuGum
Se'nada DjuGum
22:46 03 Feb 18
Dzandar baklava odlicna...����������
Halima Aganovic
Halima Aganovic
16:29 25 Dec 17
Sve je super
Linda Zielinski Talman
Linda Zielinski Talman
16:35 21 Dec 17
Excellent family run place! Very tasty and very friendly. Go there!
Maja Kurtagic
Maja Kurtagic
12:13 16 Dec 17
Sve je super,a posebni Pituljice koje nam je nasa nana spremala ,najljepse slatko iz djetinst va ,a samo ih vi radite.�
Irma Deljkic
Irma Deljkic
11:30 17 Sep 17
Sabina Cengic Crncalo
Sabina Cengic Crncalo
13:10 13 Sep 17
Avdicevic Azra
Avdicevic Azra
19:12 29 Aug 17
Jasenka Babić
Jasenka Babić
11:18 03 Aug 17
Selma Cano
Selma Cano
20:22 29 Jun 17
Prvi put vidim da jos neko sem moje mame hurmasicu na "brdo" šara.. :)
Josipa Ribičić
Josipa Ribičić
10:25 25 Jun 17
Savršeni tradicionalni kolači. Đandar baklava i kadaif su ���.
Muhamed Popara
Muhamed Popara
09:05 25 Jun 17
Edina Faruk Skender
Edina Faruk Skender
08:29 24 Jun 17
Aida Feraget
Aida Feraget
21:42 23 Jun 17
Beskrajno sarmantni, profesionalni, ljubazni, susretljivi, interesantni, a sve preukusno...topla preporuka
Sejfudin Sejo Vila
Sejfudin Sejo Vila
07:34 23 Jun 17
Bravo Baklava Team
Rudo Sinanovic
Rudo Sinanovic
16:19 22 Jun 17
Amir Besima Becar
Amir Besima Becar
14:54 18 Jun 17
Selma Numanovic
Selma Numanovic
11:16 04 Jun 17
Aida Pasagic
Aida Pasagic
11:07 04 Jun 17
Ponosni na tradiciju koju u najboljem radu i kvalitetu pokazuju. Melem za oci dusu�
Senka Ibrisimbegovic
Senka Ibrisimbegovic
22:49 03 Jun 17
Bahrija Bešić
Bahrija Bešić
17:58 03 Jun 17
Lukasz M. Krepski
Lukasz M. Krepski
17:07 03 Jun 17
Wonderful place and great owners. When in Sarajevo, a visit here is a must!:)
Ruzmira Tekač Gaco
Ruzmira Tekač Gaco
16:12 24 May 17
Nabolje baklave, čista petica.
Saad Saleem
Saad Saleem
18:15 16 May 17
Saira Qamar
Saira Qamar
15:40 16 May 17
Tamara Delas
Tamara Delas
20:03 16 Feb 17
Narcisa Cvrcak Cvrle Fetic
Narcisa Cvrcak Cvrle Fetic
23:16 08 Feb 17
Mislim da nemam dovoljno velikih riječi da opišem spoj usluge, pristupa, kvaliteta proizvoda, savršenstvo... okusa..najkraće i najupečatljivije što mogu reći je: prava čarolija! Bravo !!!read more
Merima Pecar
Merima Pecar
20:30 27 Jan 17
Bas kao mamine :) zlatno zute i beskrajno ukusne <3
Senad Alic Erkocevic
Senad Alic Erkocevic
10:35 26 Dec 16
Medin Muslic
Medin Muslic
11:32 27 Oct 16
Naida Brkanic
Naida Brkanic
07:33 27 Oct 16
Enis Hadžimujić
Enis Hadžimujić
11:36 24 Oct 16
Victoria Emerton
Victoria Emerton
17:52 15 Sep 16
The owner is passionate and proud of his product-and rightly so! I am so sad I cannot take some back to Australia due... to customs restrictions. I will just have to eat lots while here in beautiful Sarajevoread more
Amir Osmanbašić
Amir Osmanbašić
14:49 10 Sep 16
Ovo ljeto smo imali priliku probati ukusne baklave i ruzice. Kvaliteta je extra i pravi nasi tradicionalni okusi.... Ljubazno osoblje. Narudzbu smo uradili iz Holandije i dostava je bila tacna i uredna. Preljepo upakovano sa razglednicom i privatnom porukom. Hvala vam puno na tako ljepoj usluzi i samo nastavite tako. Jedva cekamo sljedecu narudzbu.read more
Eustahije Brzic
Eustahije Brzic
14:42 06 Sep 16
Jako ljubazno osoblje a o kvaliteti ne zelim ni da pricam. Ko god procita ovaj review moj mu je savjet da ode i da... proba a pogotovo baklavu sa ljesnjakom :)read more
Fatima Eniz Halilović
Fatima Eniz Halilović
18:40 19 Jun 16
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